Saturday, October 16, 2021

Life is a Game...

I had good time watching my children playing chess. On watching the game i could connect on the game and life together. The game is to win the battle and keep the King protected. Players protect him to extent that even they are ready to lose the Queen for it. Queen seems to be most talented in the whole group, but for the sake of King's safety, Nobody can be spared! 
While connecting with Life.... I had few reflections... reflections are contradictory but yet I feel every relections adds value in a thought process and understanding .. 
1. Why should always King get prme importance, though you have Queen who is actual leader and  exercises all her power to stands in front to protect her kingdom!(Both in Life and Game)!
2. When Victory/Success is seen as important, we may lose all our loved ones (Losing does bot necessarily be losing of lfe, we concentrate on victory which eventually moves us far from family and its togetherness) Is victory more important than loved ones...? 
3. In many instances we act on wrong directions without even questioning (as the knight or queen or bishop move forward on king's instruction without understanding on the risk of the act and loss)... All the competence and skills gets wasted not because of the Leader but because of our decision of being silent and following the wrong instructions. 
4. Leader at most instance need to stay behind the battle and play a role of master mind in directing the team. 
5. Many a times the Lead/Head may not be technically competent(as King), but is if he has a good supportive partner and team he can succeed. 

Both Life and the Chess has similarity. All my reflections does not connect at a time but with various aspect of life at various time frames...

We can decide on how should we win... whether to lose all my loved ones for the sake of game/life or strike a balance.... Finally it's our Game/Life