Monday, March 19, 2012

Just Talk!

I thought confidence to talk needs some expertise and knowledge to do that. My daughter broke my

My daughter 'Vosaana' is An Year and 4 month old. She is in process of learning to talk and to understand our language.
Yesterday she spoke to me for more than 5 min, She was telling me something which I could hardly interpret or understand. She didn't even know that I could not understand her. She was interested in conveying her thoughts. I could feel her confidence to talk.

She made me to think in following grounds.
If she thinks of how I take it or what would I understand or what would I think of her if she were wrong then she would have never spoke to me or even she would never talk in the future too.

Thanks to the Nature that doesn't give those thoughts and feelings to children when they in their early childhood.

But when we grow we are taught to be right and never to do mistake because when we do mistakes our Self Image would be affected. Soon the learning process goes slow. Whenever there is need to talk our Self Image comes into picture and there is every chance of being speechless to preserve our
Self Image.

We can pretend that we are preserving our image by being speech less but actual inner self gets severe blows every time when we keep shut.

Choice is ours!

My daughter is my Guru who gave me the Insights!

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