Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Power of POWER

Heared of wrong decisions made by people on POWER... Generally I had blamed the person on the position for the same. But an experience changed my perspective on it.

Often I do cycling on early morning. On the way i do get security checked by many dogs. Some screen me, some just bark, some run towards me and maintain safe distance (for both), and few chase me. Most of the occassions casual discussion while driving is enough to calm them. But some needs special attention, where i need to stop my cycle and prove them that I am not a threat.

On one such ride, my cycle's chain got disengaged. To avoid hands getting dirty, i used a stick nearby to fix it and continued my cycling. I carried the stick with me on the trip to meet such demands on the way.

The stick also boosted my feeling of powerful (I do not know why!). On the way when dogs barked at me, rather than initiating discussion, i felt annoyed. When more dogs did the same on the way, I got irritated and even thought of using the stick to drive them. It was not my usual way of handling the situation.

At that moment, i realized that a small stick gave me a sence of power that inturn made me too rude.

Till then, I thought that only person on power make mistakes but never thought that even sense of being powerful drives towards mistake...

Welcoming your views....

Monday, March 20, 2023

When do I negotiate?


Referring to my earlier blog on “Power of POWER”, I had mentioned an instance where I thought of using a stick on a barking dog rather than a dialogue which I normally do.

Adding to the through of Power, a question cropped in my mind on “Negotiation”. When do I or with whom do I normally initiate negotiation?

Mostly I feel of initiating negotiation on below situation

1.    When the other party has equal opportunity to win or has a favourable situation than       me.
2.    When I feel weaker than the other or the other person is powerful than me.
3.    When the other person is important to me.
4.    When the outcome of my action must be in my favour and where many other                  possibilities can happen which is not desired.
5.    To hide my fear and panic within me.

Reconnecting with the instance of barking dog, I use to initiate a dialogue by stopping my cycle, when I encountered a barking dog fearing its bite, and to display a false image of fearless guy. But once I got a stick in hand, the sense of power gave me more chance to win and a thought of violence or power took over.

A question to me from the thought………Can I negotiate even when I am powerful, even when I have most possibility to win, even when the other person is unknown and has no significant impact on me?

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Handling Toxic People with Traditional Approach


In South India, Kolam (Rangoli) is drawn every day at entrance of house. Traditionally rice flour is used for the same. On thinking on its purpose, I could infer that it’s a process of keeping ants engaged outside the house so that they do not enter our house/disturb our daily life.

Though ants cannot be defined as toxic but when they disturb our business they are truly toxic at least to us. Can we have a similar approach with people who we feel toxic?

Avoiding or trying to eliminate toxic people may be too toxic. Instead, can we keep them engaged externally on any means so that they do not disturb our business or life?

Point to Ponder…………